It is currently the beginning of week 8 and I have noticed a few things about my first year in graduate school...
For starters, even though organization was important for me in undergrad, it is of the utmost importance in grad school. I was warned early on that graduate course work has more reading and homework and that you will be in constant contact with your professors and in your discussions.
I think it is important to say that organization is the first step to preparing yourself for graduate courses. Second is to make sure that if you have any questions (no matter how absurd they might be) ask your professor(s), it is always good to get feedback whether it be positive or not, it helps with your studies.
Third, when you do your homework to ALWAYS review, I look over my homework at least twice for any spelling/grammatical errors there might be, and if all the information that I need is present. I cannot express how important this is because I have seen a lot of terribly written articles and discussions in my courses. It is even worse when I find out that they are teachers and/or professors.
Lastly, lead by example. This is something one of my professors told me. I am usually the first one in my group discussions to post something and then all of a sudden within a few hours a lot of my classmates post similar answers or responses. I feel that if I don't post something then everyone will do it at the last minute and the course requires you to have a discussion with your classmates (kind of hard to do if no one is discussing). Also, be a little out there and get involved in your readings and discussions. I find it to be a lot easier if you're interested in the topic that's being taught. If you find the readings to be a tad bit dull, then find an article or a website online that discusses the same material but in a different way.
Those are just a few things that I think students will find helpful, also, at the beginning of each term/course I always write down a list of things that I want to accomplish: grades, what I expect from myself, and what I expect out of the course. I guess you could also say that they're a list of goals and if you have a set list of goals you find it easier to accomplish them :) with that said, I am going back to finishing up my homework. Happy week 9 everyone!!!
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